On Saturday, February 18th EYP Switzerland will hold its annual General Assembly, one of our most important events. We warmly invite our members to join us for GA in Zurich on Saturday, 18 February 2012, where we will look back on 2011, elect new board members and also present our strategy for 2012. The Head Organisers of the Zurich International Session 2013 will also be present some updates about the project.
Meeting point: Saturday, February 18th, 2012, 2:45 pm at Zürich HB
On the same weekend, we will also organise a Chairs Training (for more information, see here), where Schima Labitsch (AT) will share her experience with the participants and prepare them for their next chairing experience. You may sign up using this form to take part in the training. The deadline is the 2nd of February, and the training is free of charge for all members of EYP Switzerland!