The 16th National Selection Conference of EYP Switzerland was officially opened today at the Alte Kantonsschule Aarau. The participants had the pleasure of welcoming Mrs. Pascale Bruderer Wyss, Councillor of State and patron of the session, as a guest speaker to their Opening Ceremony.
“I like EYP for three reasons. Firstly it is by young people for young people, secondly it is based on the work of volunteers, and, finally: young people are so talented at debating”,
said Mrs. Bruderer Wyss. She pointed out that direct democracy is based on an informed electorate – a goal which the EYP can contribute to – and expressed her hope that Aarau 2012 will motivate some of its participants to become involved in politics and to join a generation of younger members of parliament. Mr. Kurt Büchler, Prorector of the Alte Kantonsschule Aarau, highlighted some of the challenges today’s world is facing and how dialogue and cooperation – as they are promoted in EYP – can contribute to the prevention of conflicts. After welcoming words from Ueli Staeger, President of EYP Switzerland, and Anaïs Franck and Seraina Petersen, Head Organisers of the Aarau 2012, Session President Kerstin Mathias declared the session open.