The members of EYP Switzerland elected a new board at the annual General Assembly which took place on Sunday, 3 March 2013. The assembly confirmed the incumbent candidates in their positions and elected Julie Huissoud and Nora Willhelm as new candidates, who will take over from Filip Winzap and Delia Berner. EYP Switzerland is much obliged to Delia and Filip for their longstanding dedication to the organisation. The board of EYP Switzerland for 2013 is composed as follows:
— Ueli Staeger (President)
— Sophie Debrunner Hall (Vice-President, International Coordination)
— Cecilia Mihaljek (Support International Coordination)
— Konrad Staeger (Communication)
— Nora Willhelm (External Affairs)
— Lukas Bock (National Events)
— Dominic Degen (National Conferences)
— Julie Huissoud (Finances & Membership)
The assembly approved of the minutes of last year’s GA and the annual account, discharged the board and confirmed Patrick Geiger and Kathrin Munz as auditors. Furthermore, an open open discussion about improvements for school recruitment and regional sessions took place.
With the upcoming year bringing many exciting opportunities for EYP Switzerland, namely the International Session taking place in Zurich in July, and given the recent cancellation of a Regional Session, the board decided to set “balancing high ambitions and limited resources” as its motto for 2013. All whilst taking into account the limited personal and financial resources of EYP Switzerland, the board aims at maintaining its high quality standard at all events.