The National Selection Conference in Bern has come to its end. Interesting debates took place, friendships have been formed, and it is safe to say that every participant profited from the session in one way or another. We would like to thank everybody who made this event come into reality: The Organisers’ Team, the Officials’ Team, sponsors, patrons, teachers, and of course the delegates.
If you wish to stay involved after the session, we are happy to present you the next opportunities to do so. Having participated at one of our sessions as delegate gives you the priviledge of being a member of EYP Switzerland in the respective year. This means that it is free for you to attend our further events in this year (e.g. trainings or social gatherings).
Also, we have some open calls which allow you to continue your involvement. Namely, there is an open Call for delegates. You can apply for the AYSOR International Forum in Armenia and the Francophone Regional Session of EYP Ukraine here. The deadlines are on the 27th September and the 1st October respectively.