Blog Post

Call for Board Members open!

Credits to Marsel Szopinski

We are happy to open the Call for Board Members for the tenure of 2018/2019! If you want to take on a more active role in our organisation and contribute to its functioning in the long-term, this is your opportunity! Have a look at the tasks every portfolio entails and submit your portfolio until 11 March!
Based on your manifestos, our members will then elect the new board at our Annual General Meeting on 7 April 2018 in Basel, so make sure to be there!
To get a detailed overview over which tasks each portfolio entails, please check our document here. Please find the template for your manifesto with further instructions here and send it in until 11 March! All you need to know is in the two documents.In case of questions, please do not hesitate to contact us; we are happy to provide more information!
We are looking forward to seeing your manifestos!

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