Dear Members,
We are happy to inform you that our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Saturday, 22 February at 14:00 in Bern. The address is: Pavillon CEVI Region Bern, Rabbentalstrasse 69, 3013 Bern, which is just next to the office of EYP Switzerland. The AGM is the event where our organisation's board provides you with an overview on what we have been working on for the last year, where we display the organisation's financial status as well as answer all sorts of questions regarding our individual portfolio updates.
But most importantly, you will get to elect a new Board for EYP Switzerland! This year, the elections will be especially interesting as four current Board Members are not running for re-election and a fifth one is running for another portfolio. Thus, there are many opportunities to join the NC Board and start shaping EYP Switzerland for the year 2020.
Please have a look at the provisional agenda here. Pursuant to §19 of the statutes of EYP Switzerland, any member of the organisation may submit further agenda points until Wedsnesday, 29th January 2020.
To attend the event, please fill out the registration form until Saturday, 15th February 2020.
Alumni Event
You have the chance to take part in the first Chairs Training of 2020 at 10:00. This is a great opportunity if you are chairing at one of our Regionals 2020, want to get into chairing or are thinking in applying as a chair to the NSC Basel 2020.
Following the training, we will all enjoy a wonderful brunch at 11:30, before going into the AGM at 14:00. Do not worry, everything is provided by the Board of EYP Switzerland.
You are also more than welcome to attend only a few of these events on that day, please indicate so in the Registration Form. However, due to the importance of the upcoming AGM elections, we are hoping that there will be lots of people attending and casting their vote.
Note that these events are free for members of EYP Switzerland. You are a member if you have paid your 30 CHF membership fee for 2020 or attended one of our Regional Sessions in 2019 as a delegate.