Not sure whether EYP is the right thing for you? Do you …
- … have an interest in international politics?
- … care about Europe and its current political challenges?
- … have a passion for discussing and debating?
- … want to make friends with students from all over Switzerland and Europe?
- … enjoy working in a team and socialising with people who share your interests?
- … have an interest to debate in English, thus improving your language skills?
- … currently attend a Swiss high, vocational, business schools or similar and are ideally between 16 and 19 years old?
If you can answer some or even all of these questions with ‘yes’, then EYP is an experience you do not want to miss out on! – please check the Events section to know how you can get involved. Typically, students first get involved as delegates at one of our Regional Sessions. Together with other students from your school, you can sign up for our events – and later participate in other events, for example sessions abroad in one of the 36 member countries of the EYP!
We are open to all secondary education institutions, for instance matura, professional matura (Berufsmatur) or specialised middle school (Fachmittelschule) classes. If you have questions or would like to participate, please get in touch with us!