Introduction | EYP Switzerland | International Structure
Today the EYP is one of the largest platforms for political debate, intercultural encounters, political educational work and the exchange of ideas among young people in Europe. The EYP consists of a network of 38 European associations and organisations in which thousands of young people are active in a voluntary capacity. These National Committees, such as EYP Switzerland, are the backbone of EYP, introducing thousands of young people to our methodology and sessions every year. They also organise numerous other events of the EYP on a national or international level, such as Regional Sessions, National Sessions, EYP Days and International Forums.
At the international level, the EYP is governed by an international board, the Governing Body (GB). The Governing Body has six members elected by the National Committees and by the alumni of past International Sessions. One representative of the Schwarzkopf Foundation is also a part of it. The Governing Body is responsible for EYP policy making and executive decisions. It facilitates the general development of the EYP, guides its policies, and works on the quality assurance of International Sessions, as well as long term sustainability and protection of the whole organisation.
The National Committees are represented in the Board of National Committees (BNC), which submits policy proposals and advises the GB on all general matters.
The day-to-day business of the organisation is administered by the EYP Office located in Berlin. An Executive Director runs the office and is responsible for the supervision of the International Sessions according to the quality guidelines of the GB as well as for research, the start and fostering of international fundraising, the establishment and fostering of cooperation with other organisations, the contact with National Committees, and all other administrative matters. The current Executive Director of the EYP is Mrs Pauline Chetail.
More information about the EYP on the international level can be found on this website.