We’re here to help you find your way in EYP!
Our Members Coordination Board Member Louise Lange is happy to give you advice on your path in EYP, applications and any other questions you might have. Our members can write to her anytime.
Travel Grants
EYP Switzerland has a special present for its members: As of now, financial support up to CHF 80.- will be provided to those of our members who are attending sessions abroad as officials.
How exactly does it work?
You are eligible for up to CHF 80.- of reimbursement for your travel costs for one trip a year as long as no-one else (e.g. your school, the foreign National Committee or the Organisers’ Team) is reimbursing you. Also, we can only reimburse members who take on the role of an official (President, Vice President, Chairperson, Editor, Media Team Member or Jury Member) at the respective session.
If you would like to apply for the travel grant, download and fill out the reimbursement form and send it, together with the receipts of your journey, to our treasurer Matthias Kaufmann. Reimbursements will be provided only to those members who have already paid the annual membership fee. Please pay attention that the form is filled out correctly, forms with missing or wrong information will be rejected automatically.
More information and the application for the grant: Reimbursement form
N.B.: Reimbursements will be provided only to those members who have already paid the annual membership fee.