
Board 2020 elected!

Board 2020 elected!

Yesterday, the Members of EYP Switzerland elected the new Board of our organisation. Therefore the Board of the Term 2020 looks as follows: President: Miriam Aitken Vice-Presidency & International Coordination: Jana Bühler Regional Coordination: Xavier Gonzales Communication: Mia van der Merwe Finances & Membership: Nicolas Zazzali National Coordination: Nina Steffen National Events and Member Coordination: Stanislaw Zytynski Congratulations!
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Second Invitation to our Annual General Meeting in Bern

Second Invitation to our Annual General Meeting in Bern

We are pleased invite our members to Annual General Meeting (AGM) according to § 18 of our statutes. The AGM will take place on Saturday, 22nd of February 2020 at 14:00 at the Pavillon CEVI Region in Bern (please find details and the registration form here, deadline: 15th of February, 23:59 CET). The AGM is an ideal opportunity to engage with the Board and other Members and ask any questions you might have concerning our work and projects. Furthermore, it is your chance to vote on a new Board of EYP Switzerland in 2020. This year, the elections will be especially interestingas four current Board Members are not running for re-election…
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Call for Board Members of EYP Switzerland

Call for Board Members of EYP Switzerland

As mentioned here, our members will elect a new national board for our organisation at the AGM. As five current Board Members in total are not running for re-election (portfolios are: Presidency, Vice-presidency, Communication, National Events & Alumni Coordination, National Coordination), we depend on newer members to step up to the task! If you are interested, have a look which portfolio entails which tasks here. Download our manifesto template, write down your ideas and plans and submit your manifesto until Sunday, 2nd February 2020, 23:59 CET to President Patricia Azevedo at! All information can be found in the two documents. Note that this year the Board of EYP Switzerland is…
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Chairs Training, Brunch and AGM 2020

Chairs Training, Brunch and AGM 2020

Dear Members, We are happy to inform you that our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Saturday, 22 February at 14:00 in Bern. The address is: Pavillon CEVI Region Bern, Rabbentalstrasse 69, 3013 Bern, which is just next to the office of EYP Switzerland. The AGM is the event where our organisation's board provides you with an overview on what we have been working on for the last year, where we display the organisation's financial status as well as answer all sorts of questions regarding our individual portfolio updates. But most importantly, you will get to elect a new Board for EYP Switzerland! This year,…
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The call for HOs Regional Sessions 2020 is open!

We are happy to open the call for Head Organisers of our Regional Sessions 2020. We are thus looking for candidates willing to shape new projects with their skills as well as gain and share knowledge in this adventure. You can find the application link here. It is mandatory for each Head Organiser to attend the HO summit, taking place at the Alumni Weekend, from the 12th to the 13th of October 2019. A Head-Organiser is selected for a one-year term, with the task of head-organising the Regional Session of the designated region, supported by a team of organisers. The…
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Board Members 2019/20 – Call extended!

We received several Board applications and are very happy to announce that there is at least one applicant for every position, except External Affairs. The Board therefore decided to extend the call for Board Members for all portfolios until Friday 8th February 23:59 CET, emphasising on the possibility of current applicants and new applicants to apply for the Board portfolio of External Affairs.  You can find more information and all necessary documents here.
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AGM 2019 / Call for Board Members

First Invitation to our Annual General Meeting and Brunch of EYP Switzerland in Bern We are pleased to invite all members of EYP Switzerland to the Annual General Meeting (AGM), alongside the first national event - a Brunch - that will be held in Bern. The upcoming elections will be very important because 3 current Board Members will not be running for re-election! This is the chance for a new generation in EYP Switzerland to step in and make a change in our National Committee! The event will take place on Saturday, 23rd of February 2019 at 11:00 at the Pavillon…
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Open Calls for Head Organisers for the next NSC and Department Members

The call for Department Members of EYP Switzerland is still open until the 22nd July 2018 23:59 CEST. There are spots in the Board Departments Communication, External Affairs, Finances & Membership and National Coordination. You can find all important information in the call document. The application form can be found here. Also, it’s that time of the year again! We present you the call for one or two alumni of EYP Switzerland aspiring to organise the annual flagship event of EYP Switzerland, the National Selection Conference (NSC). The 23rd NSC will take place in early September 2019 and welcome over…
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New Board of EYP Switzerland elected!

The new Board of EYP Switzerland 2018 looks as follows: President: Patricia Azevedo Vice President & Regional Coordination: Eléonore Bleeker Communication: Jan Ruflin External Affairs: Aurel Gautschi International Coordination: Mahaut Estier Membership & Finances: Mallorie Ashton-Lomax National Coordination: Jana Bühler National Events & Alumni Coordination: Camille Bertholet The auditors are Gioia Bomatter and Lucius Miller.
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Call for Board Members open!

We are happy to open the Call for Board Members for the tenure of 2018/2019! If you want to take on a more active role in our organisation and contribute to its functioning in the long-term, this is your opportunity! Have a look at the tasks every portfolio entails and submit your portfolio until 11 March! Based on your manifestos, our members will then elect the new board at our Annual General Meeting on 7 April 2018 in Basel, so make sure to be there! To get a detailed overview over which tasks each portfolio entails, please check our document…
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